Freud, 21-30

In this section, Feud speaks about the “durable relationship” and relates it to the pleasures of sex. People are able to put up with monogamous relationships because sexual pleasure is the form of happiness that can happen within the companionship. Civilization created these “laws” for relationships, even though it is unnatural for humans to be in a monogamous relationship for their whole lives. Civilization’s way of controlling sexuality is by forming monogamous relationships, which to them, is the most stable. even within those who are heterosexual, they are still steered toward marriage and monogamy. Freud also believes that the human being is naturally aggressive and not loving. Society does all it can to try to control and monitor this natural aggression, all though they are not entirely successful because of things still going on in the world such as war. Civilization tries to regulate human natural states such as love and aggression which can be impairing to us.

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